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The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Are you thinking about trying intermittent fasting? Before you do, learn the basics and the benefits of intermittent fasting so you can get
Why Women Will Not Get Bulky Lifting Weights
Are you afraid of strength training because you don’t want to get big and bulky? Learn why women will not get bulky lifting weights.
5 Reasons You Continue to Get Injured and See No Results
Are you struggling to see fitness results? Why do you keep getting injured? Learn some common reasons for why you might be getting injured a
You Don’t Need to Do Hours of Cardio to Lose Weight
A lot of people are under the impression that they need to spend hours and hours exercising in order to lose weight. They think they need to
How Stress and Lack of Sleep Prevents You from Seeing Results
Long summer days are one of the best things about living in Seattle. But, when it doesn’t get dark until 10 pm, and the sun rises at 5 am, i
Reflections and Self-Love
Looking back at the past year can be a harrowing experience for anybody, especially if it involves honest and serious self-analysis. Most...
Strength Training or cardio
The world of fitness is constantly arguing about whether cardio is better than weight training. Here’s the thing; cardio is great for a...
Training Brains and Brawn
When you hit the gym with me in the mornings or afternoons, you’re doing yourself a favor. No, I’m not just talking about toning your...
Weight Management
Nutrition and weight management are the two greatest wellness struggles people seem to encounter. A lot of people come to me with weight...
3 Mistakes to Avoid at the Gym
Going to the gym can be daunting at times – especially if you are a newcomer – but with a little bit of help and the right trainer, you...
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