3 Mistakes to Avoid at the Gym
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

3 Mistakes to Avoid at the Gym

Going to the gym can be daunting at times – especially if you are a newcomer – but with a little bit of help and the right trainer, you can become incredibly comfortable working out in the gym in no time at all. To help you get started, or to help you feel more comfortable in the gym, here are just a few mistakes that you can avoid to help your body be more prepared for a workout and to help you feel more comfortable in the gym, knowing you’re on the right path to success.
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Weight Management
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

Weight Management

Nutrition and weight management are the two greatest wellness struggles people seem to encounter.
A lot of people come to me with weight loss goals, asking how to maintain their goal weight once they reach it. Working out regularly is key to maintaining the body you want, but the other vital component of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet. The solution? Start with small lifestyle changes.
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Reflections and Self-Love
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

Reflections and Self-Love

Looking back at the past year can be a harrowing experience for anybody, especially if it involves honest and serious self-analysis. Most people when doing this tend to focus on the negatives. With the “New Year, new me” mentality comes a kind of odd negative reflection of the year just past. We can sometimes set new goals based off of failings from the year before (well I used to anyway).
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Training Brains and Brawn
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

Training Brains and Brawn

When you hit the gym with me in the mornings or afternoons, you’re doing yourself a favor. No, I’m not just talking about toning your body or increasing your endurance and energy levels. You’re increasing your brainpower. Studies have shown pumping iron can ward off dementia.

Researchers at the University of Sydney have concluded strength training now is helping ward off the onset of dementia by stimulating hormones that help muscles in your brain, not just your arms and legs, grow.
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Strength Training or cardio
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

Strength Training or cardio

The world of fitness is constantly arguing about whether cardio is better than weight training. Here’s the thing; cardio is great for a lot of things, and don’t get me wrong – it does help you lose weight, it just isn’t the most efficient way to do so. Weight training trumps cardio any day of the week when it comes to slimming down.
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How Stress and Lack of Sleep Prevents You from Seeing Results
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

How Stress and Lack of Sleep Prevents You from Seeing Results

Long summer days are one of the best things about living in Seattle. But, when it doesn’t get dark until 10 pm, and the sun rises at 5 am, it’s easy to get behind on your sleep. Add that to an already busy, stressful schedule and you could be shooting yourself in the foot in terms of fitness. 

And, it doesn’t matter who your personal trainer is, the fitness classes you’re attending, or the Seattle gym you’re going to. If you’re stressed out, and not getting enough sleep you’re going to struggle to stay committed and see the results you want.

So, let’s first talk about how stress and lack of sleep prevents you from seeing results. Then we’ll discuss some tips to get you back on schedule. 
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You Don’t Need to Do Hours of Cardio to Lose Weight
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

You Don’t Need to Do Hours of Cardio to Lose Weight

A lot of people are under the impression that they need to spend hours and hours exercising in order to lose weight. They think they need to take long runs, and spend countless hours each week on treadmills at the gym, sweating off the fat. Does this sound familiar? If so, you’re in for some good news. 
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5 Reasons You Continue to Get Injured and See No Results
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

5 Reasons You Continue to Get Injured and See No Results

You’ve been hitting your local Seattle gym and making time to improve your fitness. Things seem to be going well, and then it happens… you hurt yourself. Or, maybe with all that work to get to the gym, you’re just not seeing any results.These are two of the most frustrating things, because neither one of them comes about due to a lack of trying. Quite the contrary. You’re trying to better yourself, and something seems to get in the way. But, that’s part of getting stronger - overcoming adversity. 
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Why Women Will Not Get Bulky Lifting Weights
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

Why Women Will Not Get Bulky Lifting Weights

It’s one of the most common concerns that prevents women from doing strength training or weight lifting. They want to get fit and trim up, but they don’t want to look “bulky”. So, they skip the weights, and perform hours of cardio, or worse - they avoid exercising all together. Unfortunately, this is a common myth. And, it could be preventing you from seeing the results you want. 
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The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Fasting can sound intimidating. For some people it conjures up images of days without food, sipping on water, as your stomach growls at you in anger. While there are certainly challenges to intermittent fasting, it’s important not to confuse intermittent fasting with starvation. So, let’s take a look at the basics and benefits of intermittent fasting, so you can see if it’s right for you.
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5 Ways to Avoid Packing on the Holiday Pounds
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

5 Ways to Avoid Packing on the Holiday Pounds

The holidays tend to be a time of joy, cheer, and dread, if we’re trying to fend off extra weight gain. While holiday festivities can threaten our fitness goals with tasty treats, excess alcohol, and busy schedules, it’s still possible to enjoy the festivities, without packing on the holiday pounds.
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CBD and Fitness
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

CBD and Fitness

Whether you’re watching television, listening to the radio, or scrolling through your news feed on social media, you’ve probably noticed that CBD has become a hot topic in recent years. Though many products and supplements on the market advertise CBD as their main ingredient, many people are still uninformed when it comes to CBD and its growing role in human health. Below, we will discuss what CBD is, the benefits and risks associated with it, and the role it plays in fitness.
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The Power of Positive Thinking for Fitness Results
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

The Power of Positive Thinking for Fitness Results

Have you ever noticed that fitness classes are full of encouragement? There you are working hard, watching sweat drip to the floor. Your legs feel like putty and you suspect they’ll fail you at any moment. Then when you’re about to collapse, you hear the fitness class instructor. 
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Tips for Taking Care of Your Body in the Summer
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

Tips for Taking Care of Your Body in the Summer

Summer is upon us, and when the sun is out and everyone is parading around in shorts and bikinis, we tend to feel the most vulnerable about our bodies. Summer can be an intimidating time of year for a lot of us, it seems impossible to escape the images everywhere of beach bodies. Taking care of your body during the summer (and all year round) is important, not because of how you look in a swimsuit, but because of your health and how you feel. If you want to feel happy, healthy, and confident, here are some top tips for caring for your body this summer.
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How Weightlifting Boosts Cognitive Function
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

How Weightlifting Boosts Cognitive Function

Exercise is one of the best ways to increase our lifespan and delay health deterioration.
While plenty of evidence exists to support the positive effect of exercise on longevity and overall health support, new research articles are regularly published that strengthen these claims. 
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Why Muscle Strength Decreases with Age
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

Why Muscle Strength Decreases with Age

Many studies have sought to determine what factors contribute to a decrease in muscle strength as we age. It is no secret that muscle strength remains a factor in longevity and good health. But unfortunately, as the human body ages, muscle strength and muscle mass naturally decrease, leaving scientists and fitness experts to wonder, what can be done about it?
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Everything You Need to Know About Bone Health
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

Everything You Need to Know About Bone Health

Bone health matters because our bones not only support our bodies but also allow for proper movement. Bones protect the heart, the brain, and other vital organs. They even store essential minerals like phosphorous and calcium, keeping our bodies healthy.
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Benefits of a Strength Training Program v. No Plan
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

Benefits of a Strength Training Program v. No Plan

Strength training is an important part of any good workout routine. It builds muscles, can improve your overall health, can decrease your risk of injuries, can help you appear leaner, and much more. Strength training can also be difficult to keep up with. It is easy to forget and not commit to it. That is why it is helpful to have a structured program for when to strength train to get the best results. 
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The Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts
Kinsey Davis Kinsey Davis

The Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are one of the healthiest nuts that you can eat. In fact, they’re a superfood, and you should be including them regularly in your diet for optimal health benefits. Despite how good they are for you, the United States does not have a very large market for Brazil nuts.
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